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Calling out injustices and calling in advocates since 2014, Ink Blot Blog is a place where intersection rules supreme.

The Blog:

Ink Blot Blog started as daily musings of mine which I'd scribble on napkins or post-its so I could ponder them later. It was a conglomeration of any insight I thought was valuable regarding my daily experiences as a bi-racial, queer person moving through the world.
After establishing myself in my new hometown of Somerville, I met many fantastic people with varying perspectives on their identities which broadened my understanding of diversity and its importance to our interconnecting relationships.

The name Ink Blot came from the idea that these "posts" were unedited, quick, sometimes leftovers from my day- almost accidental. They were meant to be like the notes in the margins of a heavier text, and that's the style of most of the posts here. Frequently, the pieces start as retorts on social media to problematic posts which I then build to be more robust and include fuller arguments.

The Author:

26 year old bi-racial, gnc person living in the U.S. writing about privilege and how it works in zir life. Ze spent most of zir college career working on diversity education and facilitating diversity trainings at zir university.
Outside of social justice work, ze enjoys modern dance, poetry, eating new and delicious foods, and speaking French.

Interested in being a guest writer? Please send posts which you'd like to submit for consideration to